ideologisk test på nätet
Your Score
Your scored -5 on the Moral Order axis and 4.5 on the Moral Rules axis.
The following items best match your score:
- System: Socialism
- Variation: Extreme Socialism
- Ideologies: Social Democratism, Activism
- US Parties: No match.
- Presidents: Jimmy Carter (79.63%)
- 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (83.91%), John Kerry (69.94%), George W. Bush (39.04%)
Of the 241450 people who took the test:
- 0.5% had the same score as you.
- 8.8% were above you on the chart.
- 87.8% were below you on the chart.
- 84% were to your right on the chart.
- 11.2% were to your left on the chart.
- Want to understand more what this all means? Then start with the Overview and step through the pages by clicking Next.
- For President and Candidates, the percentage measures the distance between you and them where 100% is a perfect overlap and 0% is the longest possible distance.
- If you overlap two regions, they are both listed. So if you see both Liberalism and Conservatism, you are a "perfect" Centrist.
- See the distribution for all respondents.
- Email the link to a friend.
- Tell us what you think.
Kul att göra detta testet.
tack för tipset Tony J
Postat av: Gunnar
Om jag tolkar ditt svarsresultat rätt så tycks du vara en vänsterextremist!
Din Kamrat Gunnar
Postat av: Tony
Haha, Göran!. Du är mer radikal än jag - vem hade gissat det :-)
Postat av: johan
Det stod idelogies: social democratism, aktivism du är nog snarare en vänster sosse.